You can run all 6 bulbs and use only 36 watts, a very compelling reason to change out your most frequently used lights!!
You can run all 6 bulbs and use only 36 watts, a very compelling reason to change out your most frequently used lights!!
We have been changing out the lights that we use most frequently with LED bulbs after one of my husbands co-workers mentioned that he went to LED bulbs in his home and noticed that his electric bill was over $100.00 less the first month. Granted, the co-worker has 4 kids living at home, so I don't expect to realize that type of savings, yet when you realize that you can run all 6 of these bulbs and use only 36 watts, that is a very compelling reason to change out your most frequently used lights. It is too soon to determine how much changing to LED bulbs will save us on a monthly basis.
We had purchased some HTlights LED lights in the past and they were much longer than a traditional bulb, so they didn't work with some of our light fixtures. These fit very closely to those of a standard bulb. They provide plenty of light and come on immediately (CLF lights take a few moments to turn on completely).
I am always looking for rebates and ways to save some $$. I checked our electric company's website (KCP&L) and saw that they provide a FREE energy audit which includes 12 free LED bulbs!!! If you are thinking about going to LED bulbs, check your electric company's website first. If they don't offer any rebates or discounts, I would highly recommend these bulbs.